Frog Beans' Frog Blog

Here you can find all of our blogs and informational pages. 

Welcome to the Frog Blog! Here you will find critter resources that cover everything from critter care to plant nursery setup and more. We have companion datasheets and guides located in our critter resource library. At Frog Beans we want everyone to be able to get into the critter keeping hobby. That mean we want to educate people on how best to care for their critters.

The Frog Blog was created to be a companion to BeansTalk, our weekly podcast. Here we dive a little deeper on some subjects covered in the podcast. We talk about animal care, give you animal resources, talk about which native plants are best for outdoor enclosures, and more. If you are interested in pet care or starting a native plant nursery you are in the right place.

Do you want to learn more about something we haven’t covered? Reach out to us and let us know. Maybe we can cover it in the a future series.

Common Critter Myths and Misconceptions

Common Critter Myths and Misconceptions

Myth 1: Exotic Critters Are Just Wild Animals Exotic critters are not as commonly kept as their domestic counterparts (i.e. cats, dogs), but are no less a part of the family. Dogs and cats have been in our homes for thousands of years and in their current iteration do not exist in the wild. While...

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New Year, New Critter

New Year, New Critter

Every year many people receive critters as Christmas presents, some as a surprise. That is actually how Frog Beans began. We gifted Nathaniel a bearded dragon for Christmas and something clicked within him. Unfortunately not every critter will be met with such enthusiasm or receive the amount of...

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What is the difference between an aquarium and a terrarium?

What is the difference between an aquarium and a terrarium?

What is the difference between an aquarium, terrarium, vivarium… the list goes on? The short answer is the amount of water and the size of the critter. To begin lets give some brief definitions: Aquarium - a transparent tank of water in which fish and other water critters and plants are kept....

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Choosing the Right Enclosure

Choosing the Right Enclosure

When it comes to choosing the right enclosure there are many things to consider: How big, what environment, air flow, and weight are a few of the considerations. At Frog Beans we work hard to make it easy for you to care for your critter, this includes the design of our enclosures. Many of the...

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Plants and Your Critters’ Enclosure

Plants and Your Critters’ Enclosure

Getting Started We can’t all be druids. So from Time to time we have to replace dead or broken plants in our critters’ homes. It can become pretty expensive to replace them. What is the solution? Growing your own.  We’ve covered using clean up crews to help maintain your critter’s home now we need...

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Bio-Activity and Your Critters

Bio-Activity and Your Critters

What is Bio-Activity?Welcome to the May edition of the Frog Blog! We will be covering in greater detail the perks of bio-activity. In our very first edition of the Frog Blog we briefly mentioned bio-activity but our honorable mention did not do it justice. There is so much more to cover that we...

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Environmental Setup

Environmental Setup

Welcome to the April FrogBlog! In this months blog we will be covering the needs of critters in different environmental setups. Let’s get started!Desert Environmental Setup As always we start our conversation with a look at desert critters. When you think of desert critters you probably think of a...

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Critter Care: From Your First One and Beyond

Critter Care: From Your First One and Beyond

Welcome to the March edition of the FrogBlog! We will be covering how to pick out your first pet, the difference in habitats and environments, and how to properly care for your critters once you have them.   Choosing Your Critter Critters can be a tricky when it comes to picking your first...

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Setting Up Your Enclosure and Maintaining It

Setting Up Your Enclosure and Maintaining It

In this month's Frog Blog we will be talking about setting up your enclosure AND maintaining your enclosure once you have it set up. To begin setting up your enclosure we have to find the right sized enclosure for your critter. Here at Frog Beans we stay away from the generic gallons as it tends...

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