Who we are
Frog Beans is a small, family owned, critter enclosure company located in East Tennessee.
We provide enclosures you need to properly care for your critter, no matter the size. We offer custom enclosures to fit any need and any size. From simple wooden enclosures to fully insulated, stackable, exotic wood veneer enclosures to match any decor. Find out more here.
Frog Beans offers services and products to help with critter care and enclosure setup. Our enclosures offer easy to clean interior and exterior surfaces. We can customize the exterior to match any aesthetic. Our consultation services include data sheets and recommendations to answer all of your critter questions.

Why we do it
We founded Frog Beans with the idea of providing the highest quality environmental controls. This led to the discovery that the standard enclosures were not the best at maintaining temperature and humidity. Glass and PVC are great at reflecting heat and holding moisture. That is good but it could be better. What if the enclosure contributed to maintaining heat and moisture? That’s what we build our enclosures to do!
Building enclosures and drift wood enclosure decor is NOT the only thing we do, it is just the thing we do to fund our passion… rescuing animals. We use at least 20% of our income from Frog Beans to fund Animals of Appalachia and Not Your Normal Animal Shelter, our non-profit animal rescue. So know that every dollar you spend with us goes to house and feed the animals we rescue.
The Frog Blog
Beginning in March of 2024 the Frog Blog has moved to our non-profit, Animals of Appalachia. Hop on over there and give it a read. While your there learn how you can help further our goals. We also relaunched BeansTalk, our podcast, look for those updates.
Common Critter Myths and Misconceptions
Myth 1: Exotic Critters Are Just Wild Animals Exotic critters are not as commonly kept as their domestic counterparts (i.e. cats, dogs), but are no less a part of the family. Dogs and cats have been in our homes for thousands of years and in their current iteration do not exist in the wild. While...
New Year, New Critter
Every year many people receive critters as Christmas presents, some as a surprise. That is actually how Frog Beans began. We gifted Nathaniel a bearded dragon for Christmas and something clicked within him. Unfortunately not every critter will be met with such enthusiasm or receive the amount of...
What is the difference between an aquarium and a terrarium?
What is the difference between an aquarium, terrarium, vivarium… the list goes on? The short answer is the amount of water and the size of the critter. To begin lets give some brief definitions: Aquarium - a transparent tank of water in which fish and other water critters and plants are kept....
Choosing the Right Enclosure
When it comes to choosing the right enclosure there are many things to consider: How big, what environment, air flow, and weight are a few of the considerations. At Frog Beans we work hard to make it easy for you to care for your critter, this includes the design of our enclosures. Many of the...
Plants and Your Critters’ Enclosure
Getting Started We can’t all be druids. So from Time to time we have to replace dead or broken plants in our critters’ homes. It can become pretty expensive to replace them. What is the solution? Growing your own. We’ve covered using clean up crews to help maintain your critter’s home now we need...
Bio-Activity and Your Critters
What is Bio-Activity?Welcome to the May edition of the Frog Blog! We will be covering in greater detail the perks of bio-activity. In our very first edition of the Frog Blog we briefly mentioned bio-activity but our honorable mention did not do it justice. There is so much more to cover that we...
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